Topsham, ME

Pet Vaccinations

Dogs and cats need vaccinations to help them stay healthy and avoid potentially life-threatening health problems, including canine distemper virus, parvovirus, hepatitis virus, parainfluenza virus, and feline respiratory viruses.


The following is a list of common vaccinations we recommend at Androscoggin Animal Hospital.

For Dogs:

  • Rabies—Required by state law, this vaccination is given first at 12–16 weeks of age. Dogs are re-vaccinated at one year from the initial vaccination and then every three years.
  • DHPPv—This combination vaccination protects dogs against canine distemper, canine hepatitis, parainfluenza, and potentially deadly parvovirus. It is the first vaccine given to puppies, with boosters every 3–4 weeks until 16 weeks of age and then yearly.
  • Leptospirosis—This less common but serious disease affects the kidneys and liver and can be transmitted to people. The vaccination is usually first given after eight weeks of age, with a booster given 3–4 weeks from the first injection and then yearly.
  • Lyme—Maine is a Lyme-endemic state. We recommend annual blood testing for exposure to Lyme disease, vaccination against Lyme disease, and regular tick control for all dogs.
  • Bordetella—Helps protect against “kennel cough.” All puppies will receive a vaccine after eight weeks of age, followed by a booster four weeks later and then an annual booster. “High-risk” dogs should be vaccinated every six months.
dog on a walk
cat in a cat tree

For Cats:

  • Rabies—All cats are required to receive this vaccination at 16 weeks. Re-vaccination is once a year or every three years, depending on the vaccine.
  • FVRCP—This combination vaccine is a core vaccine for all cats and protects against feline distemper (panleukopenia) and the two most common upper respiratory viruses. Cats receive their first vaccination at or after eight weeks of age, with boosters every 3–4 weeks until 16 weeks of age. A booster is given one year after the last kitten vaccine and then every three years.
  • FeLV—All clients will be educated about this vaccination against the feline leukemia virus. Your veterinarian will discuss your cat’s risk factors and make recommendations based on your cat’s health history.

During the first wellness exam, each client receives a unique vaccination plan for their pet. We will discuss all vaccinations that we recommend with you and work together as a team to give your new pet a great start to a long and happy life.



We work closely with each family to ensure a positive experience for both the new pet and the family that will take care of him or her for many long and happy years to come.


Just like people, senior pets start to slow down a little bit with age and can develop common age-related health problems like arthritis and impaired vision.

Spay & Neuter

We understand that spaying or neutering a pet is a personal decision, and we respect your right to do as you wish. We do, however, encourage our pet owners to consider this safe procedure for their pet.


Dogs and cats need vaccinations to help them stay healthy and avoid potentially life-threatening health problems. Learn more about about the common vaccinations we recommend.